Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The people you love . . .

Today, I was reading the blog that Misty Lawton keeps. I just love Bill and though I do not know Misty very well, I can tell she is a good person just from the stories she tells. One of her latest entries is very similar to this blog....she talks about the to-do and life lists that we all have and our full lives. ....and watching the birds and trees and listening to the life around you. I need to tell the people I love, that I love them more often. I made that mistake 13 years ago when a friend died from liver cancer before I could tell her...before I could recognize that about me. I corrected that mistake before my first husband died. I am glad of that. Guilt is a terrible thing..... so, I need to tell the people I love, that I love them. I will do that. You can drive yourself crazy with 'what-if's. I had that conversation with someone a few years back. What if this...what if that. You can only make good decisions with the information you have at the time you make said decision. I think I talked about that before.

Anyway, their blog is You should check it out! I need to tell her I enjoy her blog because I really do.

I have jumped on the Facebook wagon. Mostly I have 'friends' that are family or friends from school. I love seeing the lives everyone is leading and how everyone has changed...mostly for the better. Some people from high school peaked in high school and then it all went so wrong. Who knows the reasons but that person. And, I don't mean how someone looks, or what they do for a living, or their family. I mean the decisions they make in their lives.

Then there are those that just blossomed after they left school and took off on their own. Kids can be so cruel in school. At what point do we outgrow that? When you see photos or hear stories of the people you knew a long time ago, do you judge their life or compare it to yours? Why? There is one girl who was just average in school...much like most of us I guess. But, to see her photo now.....she is absolutely stunning and beautiful. I never would have guessed how beautiful she would become. She is a thoughtful and successful woman. Why did I not recognize her then? And, I always liked her in why didn't I notice her more?

I am rambling, but I guess my point is to not wait on your life. Take each day as it comes, be a good person, love those around you, and recognize your blessings before you lose them.

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